Suggestions to Better Utilize Your Attic

Eric Babin, President, Babin Custom Builders

Eric Babin, President, Babin Custom Builders

You have an attic stuffed with boxes and other things you are not using anymore – perhaps old toys, a dysfunctional piano, or broken tools and utensils. Since you are not using them anymore, why don’t you consider undergoing some home renovation? After all, your attic can become a wonderful living space for your kids or maybe your guests, and you will not need any special skills or previous experience to achieve a great result. Consider the following suggestions to better utilize your attic, and never forget that, after all, decorations will always be all up to you.

Preparing the Attic
1. Clean It Up
Before turning your attic into a livable space, the most important thing you need to do is preparing it and, implicitly, cleaning it up. Get rid of any boxes or other stuff you really don’t need. You can choose to sort them prior to cleaning up your attic. Once you finish this step, vacuum or broom the area, get rid of spider’s webs and do anything else that is necessary for cleaning the entire area.

2. Insulate It
If your attic is not insulated already, then it’s the right time to insulate it. Due to the fact that this room is practically next to the roof, you’ll find it cooler or warmer depending on the weather outside. It is better to work with a specialized contractor to get the right insulation, because there are many aspects you have to keep an eye on before making a choice. The insulation will prevent the heat from inside the house to be lost through the attic, offering proper protection against mold and similar fungi that might put your family at a risk.

3. Climbing Up
You’ve cleaned and insulated the attic; now what? You’ll obviously need to climb up to the attic, so you should consider installing a permanent staircase. Think whether there is a good spot for the staircase to start on the floor below. If the hallway is below the attic, then you have countless options for making them look more appealing. If not and you have to start them, let’s say, from your bedroom, you’ll have to struggle a little to attain a great result.

What Options Do You Have?
1. Office Space
If you don’t need an additional bedroom, why don’t you convert your attic into an office space? If you have plenty of office paperwork to do every day, you’ll certainly need a private space where you can properly focus on what you have to do, with no one to bother you.

2. Play Room
Another great option is turning your attic into a play room for your kids. If they currently don’t have one, then this is going to be an excellent opportunity. Not only will they have a safe space where you can easily supervise them, but they will be able to have fun and enjoy themselves whenever they want.

3. Bedroom
If you are old-fashioned and rather practical, a good idea is transforming your attic into a great bedroom. You’ll need to undergo a complicated home renovation process that will involve buying expensive things and moving them upstairs, but you’ll definitely be satisfied with your new bedroom.

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