About Us

We are a 3rd Generation building company specializing in Custom Home Building and all types of Commercial work. We have over 27 years of experience in dealing with clients, architects, bankers, building depts., etc. and we will take good care of you and your family or any of your current or future clients.

We were recently awarded an APEX AWARD from the Building Industry Association for New Residential Construction for 2009 and have been recently awarded 2 prestigious AURORA AWARDS in 2010 for Best NEW CUSTOM HOMES in the $1,000.000 to $1,500,000.00 price range and for BEST NEW COMMERCIAL OFFICE BUILDINGS.

The AURORA AWARD is a Southeast Regional competition between 14 different Southern States including Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.

“The AURORA symbolizes tremendous achievement, honor and distinction among building industry professionals.” Home building professionals in a 14-state southeast region plus the Caribbean received nationally recognized AURORA AWARDS for new home construction, remodeling, commercial/mixed use and design excellence. The awards honor builders, designers, architects and other industry professionals.

Each of these awards is decided by a panel of design and building experts throughout the United States and China. We are very proud to be recognized and be the recipients of these coveted awards.