Weatherproofing Your Home, Babin Custom Builders

Eric Babin, President, Babin Custom Builders

Eric Babin, President, Babin Custom Builders

Weatherproofing your home is a very important home improvement step to protect against wind, rain, sea salt, snow and general dampness. Therefore it is advisable to check  your  home’s current weather proofing status. 

Here are a few affordable and easy ways to weatherproof your home:

1. Windows

Install Storm Windows

Assuming that your storm windows are not installed or are old and weak, you will need to check on them and ensure they are strong and stable. These windows are very important for during winter as they serve to keep cold winter air off your house. Repair old and worn out windows for a warm winter.

Plastic Coverings On The Inside Part Of Your Windows

You don’t want to give cold a space to pass through. Insulate your windows by adding a plastic layer on the inside of your windows. This is important especially in the case of old and drafty windows.

Have Shades and Drapes

Having shades and drapes in your home is one way of keeping cold away. Drapes help to draft coldness away from both the window and around the window frames. At night, drop down the drapes to keep the cold off; any open them up during the day for sun to warm your house.

2. Doors

Door Draft Stoppers

Door draft stoppers help to keep cold off from seeping into your house through underneath the door. You can buy a door draft stopper from the shops or opt to make one yourself. Ensure you fit them underneath the door every night.

Leaks On Windows And Doors

Leaks are common around windows and doors. They could bring you cold in the house if not attended to. Light a candle and pass it around the doors and windows. If you see it flickering, this is a sign that there is a draft. Seal the leak with weather stripping products or caulk.

3. Around Your House

Insulate Your Water Heater

Do you have a water heater blanket? Your water heater loses heat through the sides of the heater. To curb this loss, you can buy a water heater insulating blanket that will prevent the heater from losing heater by 25%-40%. This will save on your bills and you can use the money to heat other places in your house.

Insulate the Electrical Outlets

This may sound out of context. However, it counts. Most old homes have electrical outlets that are just holes on the walls. These holes could be an inlet to cold or outlet to warm air from your house. Cover them up with foam padding. You can ask an electrician to do this foe you since electricity needs professional handling.

Basement and Attic Insulation

Heat may be lost via under insulated or uninsulated basement and attics. Insulating your attic is easy and you can do it yourself. You can roll out a layer of insulator on the walls and floor of the attic.

Your basement will need some professional handling as it is a bit complex. Call in an expert to help you do this.

Having a well insulated home will help you weather the winter period without much problems. Weatherproofing your home will see you spend warm days and nights in your home. You will get off cold-caused diseases as well as safeguard your family from cold. Before the onset of winter, ensure you do some home improvement so as to have an easy time with your family.

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